Sunday, May 27, 2007

Digital Audiois

Digital audiois a technology has emerged because of its supreme usefulness to sound recording, manipulation, mass-production and distribution. The modern day distribution of music across the internet through on-line stores depends on digital recording, and digital compression algorithms. "Dematerialization" of the music software into computer files has significantly reduced costs of distribution. However, it has brought about the concomitant rise in music sharing thorough peer to peer networks.

From the Long-play gramophone record and compact cassette, the 78 RPM vinyl records and wax cylinders before them, analogue audio music storage and reproduction have been based on the same principles upon which human hearing are based. Sounds begin and end as mechanical energy wave forms in air, are captured in said wave form, and transformed into an electrical energy by a microphone transducer. Although its nature may change, its fundamental wave-like characteristics remain unchanged during its storage, transformation, duplication, amplification. Up until very recently, analogue audio is susceptible to significant information loss, as noise and distortions tend to creep in at each stage.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Commercial mortgage

A commercial mortgage is a loan made using real estate as collateral to protecting repayment. Commercial mortgage is similar to a residential mortgage, except the collateral is a commercial building or other business real estate, not residential property.

In calculation, commercial mortgages are usually taken on by businesses as a substitute of individual borrowers. The borrower may be a partnership, incorporated business, or limited company, so assessment of the creditworthiness of the business can be more complicated than is the case with residential mortgages.

Commercial mortgages are typically non recourse i.e. that in the event of default in repayment, the creditor can only seize the collateral, but has no further claim against the borrower for any remaining deficiency. Less commonly, the mortgage is complement by a general obligation of the borrower, which makes the debt payable in full even if foreclosure on the mortgaged collateral does not satisfy the outstanding balance.